Piling equipment
Next-generation pile driving rig
We have also started designing new type of a pile driving rig. Our users can in future use next-generation pile driving rigs on both tracked and wheeled chassis.

Piling machine on
tracked base
Transport position:
Telescope leader
in min position ,
with impact part
4-9 t PHH-hammer. Work position:
Telescope leader
in min position. Work position:
Telescope leader in max position,
with 18 m long concrete pile .
Telescope leader
in min position ,
with impact part
4-9 t PHH-hammer. Work position:
Telescope leader
in min position. Work position:
Telescope leader in max position,
with 18 m long concrete pile .

Piling machine on
wheeled base
Transport position:
With dismantled
telescope leader. Work position:
Telescope leader in max position,
with impact part 3-4 t PHH-hammer,
and 18 m long concrete pile.
With dismantled
telescope leader. Work position:
Telescope leader in max position,
with impact part 3-4 t PHH-hammer,
and 18 m long concrete pile.